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766 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

# Display outbound summary for every link
# for which there is anything in the outbound
# Created by Pavel Gulchouck 2:463/68@fidonet
# Fixed by Stas Degteff 2:5080/102@fidonet
# Modified by Michael Dukelsky 2:5020/1042@fidonet
# version 2.1
# It is free software and license is the same as for Perl,
# see
##### There is nothing to change below this line #####
use File::Spec;
use File::Find;
use Config;
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($fidoconfig, $OS, $module, $defZone,
$defOutbound, @dirs, @boxesDirs, @asoFiles,
%minmtime, %netmail, %echomail, %files, $zone);
my $commentChar = '#';
my $Mb = 1024 * 1024;
my $Gb = $Mb * 1024;
sub usage
print <<USAGE;
The script prints out to STDOUT how much netmail, echomail
and files are stored for every link in the outbound and fileboxes and
how long they are stored.
If FIDOCONFIG environment variable is defined, you may use the script
without arguments, otherwise you have to supply the path to fidoconfig
as an argument.
perl <path to fidoconfig>
perl M:\\mail\\Husky\\config\\config
exit 1;
sub nodesort
{ my ($az, $an, $af, $ap, $bz, $bn, $bf, $bp);
if ($a =~ /(\d+):(\d+)\/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?$/)
($az, $an, $af, $ap) = ($1, $2, $3, $4 ? $4 : 0);
if ($b =~ /(\d+):(\d+)\/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?$/)
($bz, $bn, $bf, $bp) = ($1, $2, $3, $4 ? $4 : 0);
return ($az<=>$bz) || ($an<=>$bn) || ($af<=>$bf) || ($ap<=>$bp);
sub unbso
my ($file, $dir) = @_;
my $zone;
if($dir =~ /\.([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$/i)
$zone = hex("$1")*256 + hex($2)*16 + hex($3);
$zone = $defZone;
if ($file =~ /([0-9a-f]{4})([0-9a-f]{4})\.pnt\/([0-9a-f]{8})/i)
return sprintf "%u:%u/%d.%d", $zone, hex("$1"), hex("$2"), hex("$3");
elsif ($file =~ /([0-9a-f]{4})([0-9a-f]{4})/i)
return sprintf "%u:%u/%d", $zone, hex("$1"), hex("$2");
return "";
sub unaso
my ($file) = @_;
if($file =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/)
if($4 == 0)
return "$1:$2\/$3";
return "$1:$2\/$3\.$4";
return "";
sub unbox
my ($dir) = @_;
if($dir =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.h)?$/i)
return $4 == 0 ? "$1:$2\/$3" : "$1:$2\/$3\.$4";
return "";
sub niceNumber
my ($num) = @_;
return ($num < $Mb ? $num : ($num >= $Mb && $num < $Gb ? $num/$Mb : $num/$Gb));
sub niceNumberFormat
my ($num) = @_;
return "%9u " if ($num < $Mb);
my $len = length(sprintf "%4.4f", niceNumber($num));
return ($len < 9 ? " " x (9 - $len) . "%4.4f" : "%4.4f") .
($num < $Gb ? "M" : "G");
sub normalize
my ($path) = @_;
return $path if($OS eq 'UNIX');
my ($vol, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath($path);
my @d = File::Spec->splitdir($d);
$d = File::Spec->catdir(@d);
return File::Spec->catpath($vol, $d, $f);
sub selectOutbound
if (-d $File::Find::name && $File::Find::name =~ /\.[0-9a-f]{3}$/i)
push(@dirs, normalize($File::Find::name));
sub listOutbounds
my ($dir) = @_;
my ($volume, $directories, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath(normalize($dir));
if($file eq "")
my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir($directories);
$file = pop @dirs;
$directories = File::Spec->catdir(@dirs);
my $updir=File::Spec->catpath($volume, $directories, "");
find(\&selectOutbound, $updir);
return @dirs;
sub selectFileInASO
if (-f $File::Find::name && -s $File::Find::name &&
($File::Find::name =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.[icdoh]ut$/i ||
$File::Find::name =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.(su|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa)[0-9a-z]$/i))
push(@asoFiles, normalize($File::Find::name));
sub listFilesInASO
@asoFiles = ();
find(\&selectFileInASO, $defOutbound);
return @asoFiles;
sub selectFileBoxes
if (-d $File::Find::name && $File::Find::name =~ /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(?:\.h)?$/i)
push(@boxesDirs, normalize($File::Find::name));
sub listFileBoxes
my ($dir) = @_;
find(\&selectFileBoxes, $dir);
return @boxesDirs;
sub allFilesInBSO
my ($dir) = @_;
my @files = <*.[IiCcDdFfHh][Ll][Oo]>;
push @files, <*.[IiCcDdOoHh][Uu][Tt]>;
push @files, <*.[Pp][Nn][Tt]/*.[IiCcDdFfHh][Ll][Oo]>;
push @files, <*.[Pp][Nn][Tt]/*.[IiCcDdOoHh][Uu][Tt]>;
return if(@files == 0);
foreach my $file (@files)
my $node=unbso($file, $dir);
next if($node eq "");
my ($size, $mtime) = (stat($file))[7, 9];
#printf("allFilesInBSO: %s: %s (%s)\n",$file,$size,$mtime);
next if($size == 0);
if (!defined($minmtime{$node}) || $mtime < $minmtime{$node})
$minmtime{$node} = $mtime if $mtime;
if ($file =~ /ut$/i)
$netmail{$node} += $size;
# unix, read only -> ignore *.bsy
next unless open(F, "<$file");
while (<F>)
next unless(($size, $mtime) = (stat($_))[7, 9]);
next if($size == 0);
if (/[0-9a-f]{8}\.(su|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa)[0-9a-z]$/i || /.pkt$/i )
if (!defined($minmtime{$node}) || $mtime < $minmtime{$node})
$minmtime{$node} = $mtime;
$echomail{$node} += $size;
elsif (/\.tic$/i)
if (!defined($minmtime{$node}) || $mtime < $minmtime{$node})
$minmtime{$node} = $mtime;
$files{$node} += $size;
$files{$node} += $size;
sub allFilesInASO
my @files = listFilesInASO();
return if(@files == 0);
foreach my $file (@files)
my $node=unaso($file);
next if($node eq "");
my ($size, $mtime) = (stat($file))[7, 9];
#printf("allFilesInASO: %s: %s (%s)\n",$file,$size,$mtime);
next if($size == 0);
if (!defined($minmtime{$node}) || $mtime < $minmtime{$node})
$minmtime{$node} = $mtime if $mtime;
if ($file =~ /ut$/i)
$netmail{$node} += $size;
$echomail{$node} += $size;
sub allFilesInFileBoxes
my ($dir) = @_;
my $node = unbox($dir);
next if($node eq "");
#my @files = <*.[IiCcDdOoHh][Uu][Tt]>;
#push @files, <*.[Ss][Uu][0-9a-zA-Z]>;
#push @files, <*.[Mm][Oo][0-9a-zA-Z]>;
#push @files, <*.[Tt][Uu][0-9a-zA-Z]>;
#push @files, <*.[Ww][Ee][0-9a-zA-Z]>;
#push @files, <*.[Tt][Hh][0-9a-zA-Z]>;
#push @files, <*.[Ff][Rr][0-9a-zA-Z]>;
#push @files, <*.[Ss][Aa][0-9a-zA-Z]>;
my @files = <*>;
return if(@files == 0);
foreach my $file (@files)
my ($size, $mtime) = (stat($file))[7, 9];
next if($size == 0);
if (!defined($minmtime{$node}) || $mtime < $minmtime{$node})
$minmtime{$node} = $mtime if $mtime;
if ($file =~ /ut$/i)
$netmail{$node} += $size;
elsif ($file =~ /\.(su|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa)[0-9a-z]$/i)
# Both BSO and ASO style echomail bundles are handled here
if (!defined($minmtime{$node}) || $mtime < $minmtime{$node})
$minmtime{$node} = $mtime;
$echomail{$node} += $size;
$files{$node} += $size;
# stripSpaces(@array) returns the array, every element of which
# is stripped of heading and trailing white spaces.
sub stripSpaces
my @arr = @_;
foreach (@arr)
next unless $_;
return @arr;
# stripQuotes(@array) returns the array, every element of which
# is stripped of heading and trailing double quote character.
sub stripQuotes
my @arr = @_;
foreach (@arr)
next unless $_;
return @arr;
# expandVars($expression) executes commands in backticks
# found in the $expression, substitutes environment
# variables by their values and returns the resulting string
sub expandVars
my ($expr) = stripSpaces(@_);
my ($result, $left, $cmd, $var, $remainder);
# check whether number of backticks (\x60) is even
my $number = $expr =~ tr/\x60//;
if (($OS eq 'UNIX' or $OS eq 'OS/2') &&
$number != 0 &&
int($number / 2) * 2 == $number)
# execute commands in backticks
$cmd = 1;
$result = "";
while ($cmd)
($left, $cmd, $remainder) = split /\x60/, $expr, 3;
$left = "" if(!defined($left));
$cmd = "" if(!defined($cmd));
$remainder = "" if(!defined($remainder));
if ($cmd)
$result .= $left . eval('`' . $cmd . '`');
$result =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
last unless $remainder;
$expr = $remainder;
$result .= $expr;
$expr = $result;
# substitute environment variables by their values
$var = 1;
$result = "";
while ($var)
($left, $var, $remainder) = split /[\[\]]/, $expr, 3;
$left = "" if(!defined($left));
$var = "" if(!defined($var));
$remainder = "" if(!defined($remainder));
if ($var)
$result .=
. (
lc($var) eq "module"
? "module"
: ($ENV{$var} ? $ENV{$var} : ""));
last unless $remainder;
$expr = $remainder;
$result .= $expr;
return $result;
# cmpPattern($string, $pattern) compares $string with $pattern
# and returns boolean result of the comparison. The pattern
# may contain wildcard caracters '?' and '*'.
sub cmpPattern
my ($string, $pattern) = @_;
$pattern =~ s/\?/./g;
$pattern =~ s/\*/.*/g;
return $string =~ /^$pattern$/;
sub boolExpr
my ($expr, $ifLevel, $moduleIfLevel) = @_;
my ($result, $not, $left, $right);
$result = $not = "";
if ($expr =~ /^not\s+(.+)$/i)
$not = 1;
$expr = $1;
if ($expr =~ /^(.+)==(.+)$/)
($left, $right) = stripSpaces($1, $2);
if (lc($left) eq "module")
if ($result = lc($right) eq "hpt")
$module = "hpt";
$moduleIfLevel = $ifLevel;
elsif ($result = lc($right) eq "htick")
$module = "htick";
$moduleIfLevel = $ifLevel;
elsif (lc($right) eq "module")
if ($result = lc($left) eq "hpt")
$module = "hpt";
$moduleIfLevel = $ifLevel;
elsif ($result = lc($left) eq "htick")
$module = "htick";
$moduleIfLevel = $ifLevel;
$result = $left eq $right;
elsif ($expr =~ /^(.+)!=(.+)$/)
($left, $right) = stripSpaces($1, $2);
$result = $left ne $right;
elsif ($expr =~ /^(.+)=~(.+)$/)
$result = cmpPattern(stripSpaces($1, $2));
elsif ($expr =~ /^(.+)!~(.+)$/)
$result = not cmpPattern(stripSpaces($1, $2));
return $not ? not $result : $result;
# stripComment(@lines) strips a comment from @lines and returns the array
sub stripComment
my @arr = @_;
foreach (@arr)
next unless $_;
next if s/^$commentChar.*$//;
return @arr;
# parseIf($line, \@condition) parses $line for conditional operators
# and returns 1 if the line should be skipped else 0.
sub parseIf
my ($line, $rCondition, $ifLevel, $moduleIfLevel) = @_;
return 1 if $line eq "";
if ($line =~ /^if\s+(.+)$/i)
return 1 if @$rCondition and not $$rCondition[-1];
push @$rCondition, boolExpr(expandVars($1), $ifLevel, $moduleIfLevel);
return 1;
elsif ($line =~ /^ifdef\s+(.+)$/i)
return 1 if @$rCondition and not $$rCondition[-1];
my $var = expandVars($1);
push @$rCondition, ($var ? exists $ENV{$var} : 0);
return 1;
elsif ($line =~ /^ifndef\s+(.+)$/i)
return 1 if @$rCondition and not $$rCondition[-1];
my $var = expandVars($1);
push @$rCondition, ($var ? not exists $ENV{$var} : 1);
return 1;
elsif ($line =~ /^elseif\s+(.+)$/i or $line =~ /^elif\s+(.+)$/i)
return 1 if @$rCondition != $ifLevel;
$moduleIfLevel = 0 if $moduleIfLevel and $moduleIfLevel == $ifLevel;
pop @$rCondition;
push @$rCondition, boolExpr(expandVars($1), $ifLevel, $moduleIfLevel);
return 1;
elsif ($line =~ /^else$/i)
return 1 if @$rCondition != $ifLevel;
$moduleIfLevel = 0 if $moduleIfLevel and $moduleIfLevel == $ifLevel;
push @$rCondition, not pop(@$rCondition);
return 1;
elsif ($line =~ /^endif$/i)
$moduleIfLevel = 0 if $moduleIfLevel and $moduleIfLevel == $ifLevel;
pop @$rCondition if @$rCondition == $ifLevel--;
return 1;
return 1 if $ifLevel and not $$rCondition[-1];
return 0;
# findTokenValue($token, $tokenFile) returns ($value, $tokenFile),
# where $value is the value of the $token in husky fidoconfig.
# Search of the token is started in the file with the full path
# $tokenFile in the argument and in all included files and the returned
# $tokenFile is the file where the token was found.
# If the token was not found, $value is an empty string,
# if the token was found but with empty value, then
# a string "on" is returned as $value.
sub findTokenValue
my ($token, $tokenFile) = @_;
my ($value, @lines, @condition, $ifLevel, $moduleIfLevel);
$value = "";
$ifLevel = $moduleIfLevel = 0;
($tokenFile) = stripQuotes(stripSpaces($tokenFile));
open(FIN, "<", $tokenFile) or die("$tokenFile: $!");
@lines = <FIN>;
close FIN;
foreach my $line (stripSpaces(stripComment(@lines)))
next if parseIf($line, \@condition, $ifLevel, $moduleIfLevel);
$line = expandVars($line);
if ($line =~ /^$token\s+(.+)$/i)
($value) = stripSpaces($1);
elsif ($line =~ /^$token$/i)
$value = "on";
elsif ($line =~ /^include\s+(.+)$/i)
my $newTokenFile;
($value, $newTokenFile) = findTokenValue($token, $1);
if ($value and $newTokenFile)
$tokenFile = $newTokenFile;
elsif ($line =~ /^set\s+(.+)$/i)
my ($var, $val) = stripSpaces(split(/=/, $1));
($val) = stripQuotes($val);
$val ? ($ENV{$var} = $val) : delete $ENV{$var};
elsif ($line =~ /^commentChar\s+(\S)$/i)
$commentChar = $1;
} ## end foreach my $line (@lines)
return ($value, $tokenFile);
} ## end sub findTokenValue
# searchTokenValue($token, $tokenFile)
sub searchTokenValue
my ($token, $tokenFile) = @_;
$commentChar = '#';
return findTokenValue($token, $tokenFile);
# isOn($value) returns true if the $value is the string representing "true"
# according to husky fidoconfig rules
sub isOn
my ($val) = @_;
return 1 if($val eq "1" or lc($val) eq "yes" or lc($val) eq "on");
return 0;
###################### The main program starts here ##########################
$fidoconfig = $ENV{FIDOCONFIG} if defined $ENV{FIDOCONFIG};
if ((@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^(-|--|\/)(h|help|\?)$/i) || (!defined($fidoconfig) && (@ARGV < 1 || @ARGV > 2)))
$fidoconfig = $ARGV[0] if(!defined($fidoconfig));
if (!(-f $fidoconfig && -s $fidoconfig))
print "\n\'$fidoconfig\' is not fidoconfig\n";
$zone = $ARGV[1] if (defined($ARGV[1]));
unless ($OS = $^O)
$OS = $Config::Config{'osname'};
if ($OS =~ /^MSWin/i)
$OS = 'WIN';
elsif ($OS =~ /^dos/i)
$OS = 'DOS';
elsif ($OS =~ /^os2/i)
$OS = 'OS/2';
elsif ($OS =~ /^VMS/i or $OS =~ /^MacOS/i or $OS =~ /^epoc/i or $OS =~ /NetWare/i)
die("$OS is not supported\n");
$OS = 'UNIX';
$ENV{OS} = $OS;
$ENV{$OS} = $OS;
#### Read fidoconfig ####
my ($address, $path, $fileBoxesDir);
$fidoconfig = normalize($fidoconfig);
my $separateBundles;
($separateBundles, $path) = searchTokenValue("SeparateBundles", $fidoconfig);
die "\nSeparateBundles mode is not supported\n" if(isOn($separateBundles));
($address, $path) = searchTokenValue("address", $fidoconfig);
$defZone = $1 if($address ne "" && $address =~ /^(\d+):\d+\/\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:@\w+)?$/);
defined($defZone) or die "\nYour FTN address is not defined or has a syntax error\n";
($fileBoxesDir, $path) = searchTokenValue("FileBoxesDir", $fidoconfig);
if($fileBoxesDir ne "")
-d $fileBoxesDir or die "\nfileBoxesDir \'$fileBoxesDir\' is not a directory\n";
$fileBoxesDir = normalize($fileBoxesDir);
($defOutbound, $path) = searchTokenValue("Outbound", $fidoconfig);
$defOutbound ne "" or die "\nOutbound is not defined\n";
-d $defOutbound or die "\nOutbound \'$defOutbound\' is not a directory\n";
$defOutbound = normalize($defOutbound);
@dirs = listOutbounds($defOutbound);
@boxesDirs = listFileBoxes($fileBoxesDir) if($fileBoxesDir ne "");
foreach my $dir (@dirs)
foreach my $dir (@boxesDirs)
print <<EOF;
| Node | Days | NetMail | EchoMail | Files |
foreach my $node (sort nodesort keys %minmtime)
next if (defined($zone) && ($node !~ /^$zone:/));
$netmail{$node} = 0 if(!defined $netmail{$node});
$echomail{$node} = 0 if(!defined $echomail{$node});
$files{$node} = 0 if(!defined $files{$node});
my $format = "| %-16s |%7u |" .
niceNumberFormat($netmail{$node}) . " |" .
niceNumberFormat($echomail{$node}) . " |" .
niceNumberFormat($files{$node}) . " |\n";
printf $format,
$node, (time()-$minmtime{$node})/(24*60*60),
print "+------------------+--------+-----------+-----------+-----------+\n";